

Featured Event


May 17, 2025
Opera House Fundraiser. 

Wagyu Prime Rib & Entertainment.
Make A Donation. 



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Start A Masonic Journey

Community Service

Building Rental

BUILDING RENTAL.  Host Your Event Here   ——-

Call 425.778.3833.   Email.  edmondsmasonic165.”at”

The Old Edmonds Opera House is available to host your party or special event.  We have a large building with a large ballroom, a large meeting center and dining room, a full kitchen and cooking center, and other attached rooms for your event.  We commonly host events such as..
– Graduations
– Weddings & Receptions
– Birthdays & Quinceañeras
– Meetings & Gatherings
– Christmas & Other Holiday Events
– And Other Events Including Entertainment & Local Organisations.
We have modern facilities with local 20th century historic charm.

Our Facilities & Amenities

Ballroom.  A large open and bright space to accommodate most large events.
Meeting Room & Dining Area.  A large area for dining or meetings.
Kitchen.   A fully equipped kitchen with multiple stoves, ovens, and refrigerators.
Meeting Rooms.  We have other meeting rooms for smaller of more specific uses,
Facilities.  We have bathroom facilities on both levels of the building.

Rental Questions?

    Who We Are


    Who Are Masons?

    Masons, also known as Freemasons, are an international fraternal brotherhood of men from all walks of life adhering to a common code. Freemasonry emphasizes what good men have in common, rather than what makes them different. Simply said, is an attempt make good men better; and make the world a better place one man at a time. It is the oldest fraternal organization in existence and it’s quite likely that you are around Masons every day. Our Ideals Include..

    – Truth & Lifelong Learning.
    – Self-Improvement.
    – Service & Relief. Both to members & our community.
    – Friendship & Brotherly Love.

    Thanks for stopping by & Welcome to our world!


    Friendly, Honest Guys Who Value Morality & Volunteer To Improve The World.


    A Shadowy Cult Looking To Take Over The World.

    Widely Known Masons

    Some of the best things in our world today have been built by Masons. Our historic membership list includes founders and leaders of countries, businessmen, artists of all sorts, and athletes amongst others. Take a look at the picture gallery to see some of our people.

    Truth & Lifelong Learning

    Honor, integrity, acceptance of personal responsibility; we stay true to our personal code of conduct and the continuous pursuit of knowledge. As a fraternity, we have championed many great causes – but perhaps none so personal, or so affecting, as that of public education.

    Charity, Service, & Relief

    These are some of our enduring and most relevant values. We take responsibility for the well-being of our brothers, our families, and our communities. It’s our obligation. Our philanthropic causes are supported entirely by our members’ generous contributions.

    Masonic History & Tradition

    The history of modern Freemasonry began well over three hundred years ago and many of the Founding Fathers, including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were Freemasons.


    Freemasonry’s mission is: “We Enhance Lives”. The oldest and largest goodwill fraternity globally, Masonry teaches that each man has a duty to make life better, not just for himself, but for everyone. Cleaning up the environment, civic volunteering, or helping a child learn how to read.

    Friendship & Brotherly Love

    As Brothers, we value respect, freedom, and kindness; and value our differences be they religious, ethnic, cultural, social, generational, and educational. As Masons, we strive for harmony within our lives, our lodges, and our communities.

    Who We Are

    Edmonds Masonic Lodge #165. Our Group.

    Laying & Improving The Stones of Life in Edmonds, Washington

    Welcome To The Edmonds Lodge.

    Edmonds Masonic Lodge #165 was chartered by the Washington State Grand Lodge in 1908 and has been active since then. Our home is the Edmonds Masonic Lodge, also known as the Old Edmonds Opera House. Like all Masonic groups, our lodge has been composed of men of all vocations, races and creeds, hailing from various locations throughout the world. We’ve proudly passed on wisdom, tradition, and morality to generations here, building better men and helping Edmonds and our world to be a better place. Some of the causes that we support, places, events, and work that we do are listed below..
    – Edmonds 165 Scholarship Fund
    – Christmas Visit With Santa Claus
    – Edmonds Jazz Walk
    – The YWCA Support for Battered Women
    – Christmas Toys for Children

    Our regularly scheduled meetings take place on every second Thursday of each month. Exceptions being July and August when we take a summer break. We have dinner and conversation starting at 6:30pm and the meeting proper starting at 7:30pm. We welcome you to join for our 6:30 dinner in our downstairs dining room if you’d like to share some good food and fellowship.

    Edmonds #165 History

    The Old Opera House building was built in 1902 and dedicated in 1909. Through it’s many years, it served a number of functions including an athletic club with basketball, bowling and boxing, an auditorium, a movie house, a roller-skating rink, a dance floor and a banquet hall. Perhaps most famously, it was an Opera House. Edmonds Masonic Lodge #165 acquired it in 1944, with dedication in 1950. It has served the men and the community of Edmonds since then.

    Greetings From Our Lodge

    "Thank you for your interest about what we do here at our lodge. We are a friendly group, and look forward to welcoming good men to our lodge."

    Steve Carter, WM

    2025 Worshipful Master Steve Carter.

    Members & Events Gallery

    Lodge Officers & Leaders

    Our lodge has a long and distinguished history, celebrating our centennial anniversary in 2008. In 2024 we are led by Worshipful Master Kelly Humann assisted by twelve other officers. See our current officers pictured to the right. Click on the picture or the “More” link to see our Officers and Past Masters.

    Current Officers

    Recent Past Masters

    What Can You Bring To Masonry?

    We seek and choose men able to be active and donate their time and unique skills for the benefit of the fraternity and their fellow man. As a brother, you will bear responsibility to attend meetings, pitch in for projects and events, and generally aid the fraternity.

    Why Edmonds Lodge?

    We combine traditional learning and values of freemasonry with a relaxed and friendly vibe in a beautiful, historic setting.


    Thank you for your interest in the world’s oldest and largest fraternity. We’re a brotherhood of like-minded men working together to improve ourselves, our families, and our community. Masonic Lodges and teachings exist in most countries throughout the world and fellow brothers are welcomed generally at those lodges world-wide.

    Our fraternity requires good, moral men, seeking improvement of themselves and their world.  All races and creeds are welcomed; our focus is in the content of their character, not the color of their skin. We do require a belief in God or a Supreme Being, but are unconcerned about specific denominations.

    Masonry isn’t for everyone, nor will every applicant be admitted. But if you are, you will find guys that you will be proud to spend time with and call your friends and brothers.

    Our Brotherhood

    In our context, a friend and a friendly guy interested in your well-being. Respectful guys assisting you in becoming a better man, having your back, helping you when needed, and giving council when appropriate.

    Our Personal Promises & Work

    We stand tall in the onslaught of modern cultural degradation, and are a bastion of honest, masculine men striving to live time-tested moral values and improve daily.

    Our Obligations.

    As we advance in Masonry, we give our promise & obligate ourselves to adhere to our moral values & behavioral codes.

    Proficiency & Memorization.

    As we advance in Masonry, we’re tasked with proficiency & some memorization of our philosophical concepts.

    "Masonry requires good, moral men. It’s not for everyone, nor will every applicant be admitted. But if you are, you will find guys that you will be proud to spend time with and call your friends and brothers."

    What Can Masonry Bring To You?

    There are many personal benefits to becoming a Masonic brother, and the rewards will vary from person to person.
    You will be a member of the oldest fraternity with a rich and storied history, practicing the same craft as brothers, uncles, grandfathers going back many generations. We offer caring and beneficial associations, friendships, and mentors with fellow men who share a common belief in personal improvement, charity, civility, brotherhood, and community service.

    Contrasting Masonic Culture With Current Popular Culture.

    Masonic Culture…

     Current Popular Culture (CPC)…

    TRUTH. Masons seek & are obligated to truth. | In CPC truth often optional, winning better.
    CIVILITY. Masons aspire to harmony and civility. | In CPC, commonly push violent solutions over civility.
    RACE. We’re unconcerned with race, judge by content of character. | In CPC, people commonly judged by race.
    WORK ETHIC. We believe in work to earn our way & achieve goals. | In CPC, people look for handouts.
    STANDARDS. We have standards we apply with compassion. | In CPC, judgement & standards frowned upon.
    WISDOM. We look to sources of wisdom from our ancestors. | In CPC, knowledge pushed without wisdom.
    VICTIM-HOOD. Mason’s understand behavioral & consequences. | In CPC, people look for someone to blame.
    CHARITY. Masons philanthropic & focused helping the needy. | In CPC, selfishness common.
    WIDOWS & ORPHANS. Masons obligated to assist. | In CPC, widows and orphans not commonly considered.
    AMERICA. Masons outwardly appreciate our freedoms & traditions. | In CPC,much hate for US symbols.
    WOMEN. Masons respect women & womanhood. | In CPC, many blurring the line between men & women.
    HONESTY. Masons promise not to cheat, wrong or defraud. | In CPC, honesty’s declined for decades.
    VIOLENCE. We view violence as a last resort. | In CPC, violence is rampant and often a primary solution.
    MORALITY. One of the primary tenets of Masonry. | In CPC, amoral behavior common.
    SPIRITUALITY. Are spiritual people & believe in a higher power. | In CPC, spirituality often de-emphasized .
    PERSEVERANCE. Masons are tried and never denied. | In CPC, victim hood and quitting common.
    TIME MANAGEMENT. Masons manage time and goal plan. | In CPC, less focus on an organized life.

    If these values align with yours, and you have an interest in being around like-minded men, let’s start a conversation.

    What Is The Process For Becoming A Mason?

    A Master Mason (aka 3rd degree), is one who is referred to and commonly known as a Mason. There are three degrees earned on the way to becoming a Master Mason, and this process will generally take from a few months to a year to complete. There is required learning to do and concepts to master along the way. It is a unique journey, but one taken by every single brother that has come before you. And while we encourage and support your membership journey, a Mason will NOT initiate this process, it must come from you.

    1. CONTACT         (Click here to contact.)

    Let us know of your interest.


    Social events including pre-meeting dinners and social time where everyone is welcome to attend. This is an optional step, but gives us a chance to get to know each other a little better.


    Submit a formal application to our Edmonds Lodge #165. There are joining dues which are currently approximately $300. For a downloadable pdf application please go to our Beginning Your Masonic Journey page..

    If you’re ready to begin your Masonic Journey, find more information and an application at… Beginning Your Journey


    Three members of our Lodge will meet with you. This is an important process where we get to know you, and you us at a little deeper level. We will discuss the lodge, answer questions, get to know your personality, demeanor, background and motivation for membership. If we both like what we see, your application will be recommended and move forward to the lodge for a vote. If either of us isn’t satisfied, your application will be denied and any paid fees will be refunded.


    With interview committee approval & your consent, your application will be voted upon in the next stated Lodge meeting. The Lodge brothers must approve you unanimously, there can be no dissenting votes. If you are approved, you become a member. If there are any dissenting votes, your application will be denied and any application fees paid will be refunded.


    You will begin to walk the path trod by our fathers and grandfathers for many centuries. Our brotherhood has demarcations similar to stonemasons of yore laid out in three degrees.

    First Degree. (The Entered Apprentice Mason)
    Second Degree. (The Fellowcraft Mason)
    Third Degree. (The Master Mason)

    The Third Degree or Master Mason is the highest degree conferred by our lodge. This is when you are considered to be a full brother and become eligible to hold office and take other rights and responsibilities in the lodge.



    515 Dayton St,
    Edmonds, WA 98020


    By Appointment
    Meetings: 2nd Thursday of Each Month
    [email protected]
